KH P017

Metal pen usb

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We use pens and flash drives daily, so why not unite both essential devices of our working lives into a single smart product, always at hand.Equipped with an especially comfortable rubber grip and chrome finishing, and with its sober and stylish brushed aluminium finish, this pen will become a must have for all, even the most demanding.
uperior aluminum with sturdy build can easily survice the everyday wear and tear
1: USB3.0&Criteri USB 2.0
2: Supporto Plug-and-play; molto conveniente;
3: Supporta Windows,Mac OS Linux e altri sistemi
5: Non è necessario installare il programma di installazione (tranne WIN98)
6: La stampa o l'incisione del logo OEM è gradita
7: Capacità:32MB-256 GB

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