KH E011

Recycled card usb stick

  • Descrizione
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A “biodegradable” product has the ability to break down, safely and relatively quickly, by biological means, into the raw materials of nature and disappear into the environment. These products can be solids biodegrading into the soil (which we also refer to as compostable), or liquids biodegrading into water. Biodegradable plastic is intended to break up when exposed to microorganisms (a natural ingredient such as cornstarch or vegetable oil is added to achieve this result).

1: USB3.0&Criteri USB 2.0
2: Supporto Plug-and-play; molto conveniente;
3: Supporta Windows,Mac OS Linux e altri sistemi
5: Non è necessario installare il programma di installazione (tranne WIN98)
6: La stampa o l'incisione del logo OEM è gradita
7: Capacità:32MB-256 GB

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